Monday 26 March 2012

Julian Assange 'Rescued' by a Peer of the British Establishment - Vaughan Smith


Has Assange jumped from the frying pan into the fire by being bailed and then accommodated by the aristocrat Vaughan Smith. Historically the ruling elite always close ranks when their mammon and dominance is threatened from below. How safe really is Assange in the lavish custody of his supposed benefactor, lord of Ellingham Hall estate, Vaughan Smith? Here is a standard traitors checklist for Assange to consider during his court directed confinement with his upper-crust chum.

An Assault on the Plutocratic State is to Attack Ruling Elites Everywhere.

Unlike the perennially fractured working-classes the pampered ruling elite maintain their success (dominance) through their excellent if not instinctual collaboration skills. Ruling parasite classes have forever conspired against the masses because they have always understood that to maintain dominance, a threat to one peer is a threat to all. Wikileaks presents a serious threat to many of the elite, including the legitamacy of the tyrannical Establishment itself. This will not stand!

Wealthy individuals everywhere who enjoy greedy lifestyles will without hesitation fear Wikileaks and hate Assange. This hatred must equal the revulsion the western wealthy elite once harboured for communism because these counter-currents posed a significant challenge to the glutonous privilages of the nobles of liberal-democracy. The average working-class peon cannot begin to imagine the rapacious and avaricious lifestyles typical of the rich, whose delirous parasitical existences are achieved and sustained at the poor's expense. Whenever the devastating greed and chicanery of the ruling classes  are laid bare before the subjugated masses, the same parasite classes naturally become vulnerable and scared. Be in no doubt then tycoons and tyrants will stop at nothing to defend the totalitarian status quo. Graveyards everywhere are swollen with the corpses of men who defied the powerful and rich. An assault on modern day orweillian government is to attack the ruling elite everywhere irrespective of the degree of their political relationship [loyalties] to the State. Because even the most idiotic or charitable plutocrat and entrepreneur intuitively knows the State and all its apparatus benefits him vastly more than it does the working-class stiff.

Julian Assange through the Wikileaks Foundation he represents has become an anathema to oligarchic government, corporatism and ultimately to those profiting most from these bastions of control and exploitation  - the wealthy elite. The shameful government collaboration by numerous merchants such as AmazonApple,Mastercard and Paypal reinforce the insidious co-dependency between the orweillian State and voracious capitalism.

Vaughan Smith whose 'rich' family history includes a 300 year old estate and a parent who ran errands for his queen seems a strange bed fellow for Julian Assange. Yet Assange, to secure his release from a British jail, shacked up with the master of Ellingham Hall. Assange's relationship with his host and patron no doubt long pre-dates the Wikileaks hysteria, with Assange confident in the loyalty and friendship of his gentleman chum. Loyality and friendship are 2 human attributes which often fluctuate in value as with bullion on the London Gold Exchange.

A thoroughbred of feudalism, Master Vaughan Smith has taken the pariah Assange, denounced by the secretive plutocratic State, under his wing, to literally accommodate his protege' in one of his many  mansion wings.

                                                                    Ellingham Hall 
Assange's insurance policy in the form of a globally released encrypted file containing the entire volume ofcablegate decrypted sans redaction should bodily harm befall the Wikileaks Founder is a clever "poison pill"counter-strike. This insurance policy should also extend to people close to Assange, including the closest,Master Vaughan Smith. 

Assange dumped a new bundle of Wikileaks documents in December 2011. From and counter-surveillance or  Activist perspective this latest dump is by far more valuable than the Cablegate dump which saw Assange become "public enemy number one" of Empire USA. In this dump titled The Spyfiles, Wikileaks reveals or rather confirms how IT corps across the West have been quietly marketing and selling highly intrusive surveillance products to government regimes everywhere. These domestic surveillance products include tools for hacking smartphones e.g. activating microphones and cameras, data mining, infecting social media sites, most prominent among these Facebook, and monitoring home pcs etc. Assange explains this burgeoning  industry thus "Mass interception of entire populations is not only a reality, it is a secret new industry spanning 25 countries". 

Citizens really to need question the motivation of their governments, which are increasingly behaving like criminal organisations, hell bent on amplifying their power, profit and permanency .

###UPDATE### Encryption key for Cablegate files have been released due to unclear reasons. It is yet uncertain how this impacts of the vulnerability of Assange's safety.
Here's what an additional risk policy for treachery should cover at Ellingham Hall:
  • mansion conversations monitored (interior and exterior)
  • data electronic and other cloned
  • electronic communciations captured
  • personal property examined, contaminated
  • micro surveillance devices embedded
  • IT equipment contaminated
  • long-term surveillance, to endure beyond the Ellingham Hall hiatus, developed and deployed  

While Assange would do well to keep an 'eye' on his landlord, he should not dismiss the 'hired help' or the servants as Vaughan Smith would say. It is very likely the 'servants' have been approached.
The wealthy are notoriously viperous and traitorous, especially British aristocracy and their minions, hence the genocidal 'success' of the rapacious British Empire. There is one * cause though the wealthy universally will never consciously betray, and that is the 'common wealth' of each other. On this pursuit the wealthy eternally stand united. Vaughan Smith is obviously wealthy inherenting the feudal responsibility of protecting and sustaining his vast wealth and the violent parasitical 'governance' that enforces and enshrines this wealth.

 * exceptions to this rule include divesting the wealth of one peer to further enrich another, and destroying the wealth of one peer to defend the wealth of others. 

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